Industries That Benefit From Using Non-Metallic Materials

Due to their unique properties, non-metallic materials benefit various fields. In fact, without non-metallic materials, many industries would suffer, and countless products that we use every day would not exist. Many fields are currently booming today due to these special materials. Discover some of the industries that benefit from using non-metallic materials and how things would be a lot different without them.

The Value of Non-Metallic Materials

Before diving into the industry examples of nonmetals, let’s investigate their value around the world. Production of non-metallic materials and their resulting products generates revenue that ranges in the billions of dollars in the US, and experts estimate that this number reaches trillions of dollars around the world. It’s safe to say that the production world would be quite different if we relied only on metallic material sources. Now we’ll outline some of the specific industries that benefit most from using nonmetals.

The Construction Industry

The construction industry is one of the most widespread users of non-metallic materials. Without these building materials, businesses, homes, roads, and many other structures wouldn’t be the same. But what do these materials look like in this field? Common non-metallic construction materials include concrete, asphalt, stone blocks, glass, and more. These materials are widely available and easy to supply, which is just one benefit they provide for construction companies. Using non-metallic materials is also more cost effective, helping construction businesses save money and resources. And while they may be cheaper, these materials can be just as strong as metallic ones. As a result, people use them heavily in construction. For example, the foundation that your home rests upon is most likely concrete. We have nonmetals to thank for limestone, cement, brick, and other common building materials, some of which may be in your own home, too.

Insulation Applications

One subset of the construction industry that heavily benefits from non-metallic materials is the insulation industry. The fibers and plastics that go into your home’s insulation come from non-metallic materials. Nonmetals don’t conduct heat very easily, which makes them great insulation materials. This poor heat conduction helps repel heat in the hotter months and keeps heat inside your home in the cooler months. This application also extends to businesses and any other buildings in need of temperature regulation.

The Manufacturing Industry

There are also a wide variety of non-metallic materials that manufacturers use. These industries commonly use nonmetals for their resilience to extreme conditions and environments. Some materials, such as thermosets and thermoplastics, can handle high amounts of pressure and stress. Consequently, they’re great for withstanding some rigorous machining processes. Specifically, manufacturers often use tapes and adhesives, foam materials, rubber, and more. For example, companies commonly use foam for manufacturing electronics, appliances, HVAC systems, and more. You can find rubber in everything from automobile tires to rubber gaskets. Due to their resistance to multiple conditions, nonmetals make great sealants, too.

The Transportation Industry

The transportation field is another industry that benefits from using nonmetals. Engineers utilize rubber for all kinds of transportation purposes, such as aircraft tires and parts. A big reason why nonmetals are so useful for this industry is their lightweight nature. Many non-metallic materials are lighter and more flexible than metallic ones, making them especially ideal for aircraft manufacturing. Plastic and fiberglass are two great examples of these lightweight materials, which appear in all kinds of transportation vessels. These materials resist the pressure and temperature changes that arise during flights due to their resistance to heat and cold.

The Energy Industry

Whether companies use them in the energy production industry or as the energy sources themselves, non-metallic materials are also extremely vital to the energy field. We are still reliant on many of these energy sources, making nonmetals as irreplaceable as ever.

Electrical Applications

One feature of nonmetals stands out in the electric power field. It is their lack of conductivity. This may seem counterintuitive. But non-metallic materials still help guide electricity, just through different methods. Non-metallic materials, such as fibers, plastics, and thermosets, make great insulating materials for electrical wiring and other parts. Because they aren’t conductive, they contain electrical currents and don’t waste energy. These wiring systems also promote safety around electrical production equipment and electrical currents. Think of how difficult it would be to plug a cable into an electrical outlet without the protective casing around it. These thermosets, rubbers, plastics, and more help protect manufacturers and consumers alike.

Oil and Gas Production

The lightweight properties of nonmetals come in handy again when working with oil and gas. These lightweight materials are ideal for maneuverability around factories and plants. Another benefit of non-metallic materials is the fact that they are highly resistant to corrosion. This means that they can hold up to the conditions that oil pipes and liners must face. These materials can also aid in mining for these energy sources, and they often feature in mining and transportation equipment. They also resist the heavy amounts of pressure and weight in the mining processes.

Fuel Applications

In the energy industry, companies use non-metallic materials for energy production and as energy sources. Naturally occurring nonmetals are some of our most utilized fuel sources. For example, carbon is one of the main non-metallic elements on the periodic table, and you may be familiar with it as a fuel source. Coal, which is still one of the world’s most widespread energy sources, has a heavy carbon content. Notably, oil and gas have sizeable carbon contents as well. Over half of the world’s global energy comes from fossil fuels and carbon sources, meaning that these nonmetal fuels are still extremely vital to the energy industry.

By reading about the industries that benefit from using non-metallic materials, you can see how much we rely on nonmetals in our businesses and daily lives. Everything, including the buildings we live and work in and the cars we drive, are products of non-metallic materials. Non-metallic materials can even promote safety, as people use them to insulate homes and everyday electrical appliances. To see how using these materials can benefit your business, contact Red Seal Electric Company. We specialize in custom fabrication services for non-metallic materials.


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